05 November 2009

So today...

I woke up at promptly 6:07 am, 7 minutes after the time my alarm was SUPPOSED to go off. Stupid cell phone didn't know that I MEANT to set it for 6 in the morning, not evening. Oh well. And Nic and Kanicky and I went and got coffee.
And, amusing story kiddos,

Actually...this requires some background info.
So the coffee shop Nic, Kanicky, and I frequent has a sort of DIY thing going if you're just getting regular coffee. So you pump your own cup, do the cream and sugar, and if you're local...bring your own cup. Which if you aren't super cool (like me and Nic...aren't) you also have to take home and watch. Or wash, you know, whatever.

Well today, Wade

I guess you don't know who that is. Ahem, cast of characters:

Wade- owner and operator of said coffee shop
Nic- my rad cousin who is also my best friend in the omniverse
Dottie- Cayucos greeter, 2-year-old daughter of Double D
Double D- Dottie's dad
Dottie's Mom- she doesn't have a nickname so hithertoforth she'll be referred to as Cool Sunglasses Chick Who Wears Lots of Leopard Print ehm...or CSCWWLOLP, yep that pretty much just rolls right off the tongue.
Bic'd Head Gray Beard Guy- roomie of Double D

I think that's it, there's more but I don't remember.

And now I forget my story. But today Wade made me put more sugar in the sugar jar and then I tipped him and thought I was pretty clever by saying, "That's for making me get my own sugar." and he one-upped me by saying, "Hey, if you keep tipping me like that I'll let you get your own sugar from now on."

Out-witted again, typical.

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